Jewish Studies & Lectures
2018/5779 Fall Program
Temple Beth Sholom, Roslyn NY
Senator Joseph Lieberman
Doctor Ruth
Rabbi Joseph Telushkin
Rabbi Shlomo Balter, Jewish Theological Seminary
Robert Bassin, National Political Director for AIPAC
Meron Benvenisti, Former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem
Rabbi Eugene Borowitz, Dean of American Jewish Philosophers
Dr. Ralph Buultjens, Prof. International Relations, New York University
Dr. Alan Cooper, Provost, Jewish Theological Seminary
Anita Diamant, Author of “Red Tent”
Professor Arnold Eisen, Chancellor of Jewish Theological Seminary
Stuart Eizenstat, Former Ambassador to the European Union
Dr. Yaffa Eliach, noted Holocaust Historian
David Gillette, Senior Lobbyist for AIPAC
J.J. Goldberg, Editor of the Forward
Rabbi Mark S. Golub, President of Shalom TV
Dr. Daniel Gordis, Director of Jerusalem Fellows Program & Mandel Foundation, Jerusalem
David Harris, President American Jewish Committee
Professor Robert Harris, Professor at Jewish Theological Seminary
Rabbi David Hartman, Founder Shalom Hartman Institute, Israel
Malcolm Hoenlein, President, Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Orgs.
Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman, Professor of Liturgy, Hebrew Union College
Rabba Sara Hurwitz, First Orthodox publicly ordained
Marcia Haddad Ikonomopoulos, Director of Kehila Kedosha Janine Museum
Rabbi David Ingber, Founder and Spiritual Director of Romemu
Richard Joel, President of Yeshiva University, Past President of Hillel
Professor William Kolbrener, Professor at Bar Ilan University
Prof. Benny Kraut, Director of the Center for Jewish Studies, Queens College
Arthur Kurzweil, Jewish genealogist
Dr. Gerald Meister, Israeli Consulate Advisor on Israel/Christian Relations
Rabbi Leon Morris, Director Skirball Center of Temple Emanuel, New York City
Ambassador Asher Naim, former Israeli Ambassador to Egypt
Dr. Yossi Olmert, Israeli political journalist and scholar
Prof. Shalom Paul, Hebrew University, Chairman Dead Sea Scroll Foundation,
Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, President Board of Rabbis
Irving Roth, Award-winning “Adopt a Survivor” Initiator
Rabbi David Saperstein, Director Religious Action Center, Washington, D.C.
Dr. David Steinberg, President of Long Island University
Rabbi Kurt Stone, author “The Congressional Minyan”
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer, Lifetime Honorary Raabbi of the Jewish Community of Japan
Rabbi Avi Weiss, Social & Political Activist, Dean Yeshivat Chovevei Torah
Professor Jack Wertheimer, Jewish Theological Seminary
Rabbi David Wolpe, Senior Rabbi Temple Sinai, Los Angeles, CA
Abraham Foxman, National Director of Anti-Defamation League
Dr. Jefrey Gurock, Yeshiva University Professor
Ambassador Hussein Haqqani, Director of the Center for International Relations at Boston University
Dr. Arthur Green, Rector of Rabbinical School at Hebrew College in Boston
Prof. Ori Soltes, Professorial Lecturer in Theology and Fine Arts at Georgetown University
Ruth Messinger, President of American Jewish World Service
Dr. Eric Goldman, Yiddish and Israeli film expert
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