The Herbert Tarr North Shore Institute for Adult Jewish Education

Jewish Studies & Lectures
2018/5779 Fall Program

Temple Beth Sholom, Roslyn NY

Being a Jewish Parent or Grandparent to an Interfaith Family

November 16, 2015 - 7:30 pm
Temple Beth Sholom
401 Roslyn Road
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577

Instructor: Rabbi Irwin Huberman

Your son or daughter has shared with you that they plan to marry someone who is not Jewish. Before you know it, there are grandchildren. What do our tradition and the latest studies say about this? In view of the rising trend of interfaith marriage, what role can parents and grandparents play in helping to assure Jewish continuity? Rabbi Irwin Huberman will lead us through this complicated topic with texts, articles and Best Practices.

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